Day 7 in Taipei! Actually I've been procrastinating and not posting this up because i feel sooooo miserableeeeee and i miss taiwan so much.
Because everytime i blog about my travelogues, i look thru my photos.. and really recall and let the memories flood into me before i write every travelogue post. So it's as if i'm re-experiencing the trip once again.. so my last day post is always dragged for mooooonths.
hahaha I actually have not posted up my last two days when i was travelling alone in Aussie, Sydney. so ridiclous i know.. since the trip was like last september. hahaha 舍不得 finish the travelogue sigh.
Anyway September i'm going to Hong Kong with Leon for a short trip to celebrate his birthday and our 8th year anniversary so i've gonna have more stuff to blog about so I'm gonna clear my travelogues before then! (:
Sorry for the wait heh.
Outfit of the day! It was a really really cold day in Taipei! Actually that day there was an earthquake going on at some parts of taiwan and while i was doing my makeup in the toilet and leon like shouted hey baby you ok?!
And i strolled out casually and like HUH? ok what?
-LOL i totally did not feel a thing. Leon said he was watching tv in the room and he totally felt it and said that i'm a total si-bah (in dialect) hahaha like dead meat like no feeling one. Sniff sniff so mean.
I'm thinking if i should keep my fringe like this again because i'm starting to get snnoyed with my short fringe. Constantly getting in the way! Btw i liked this frame so much and i felt that i wasn't wearing it enough (frameless) so i went to my optician and get the frame done so i can wear it everyday as my specs heh. Damn cheap like $25 bucks or so to get the lens done.
Went to Xi Men Ding and decided to have japanese ramen for lunchie! 日本电视冠军 ramen hor! Mai siao siao.
It's really pretty yummy. Always so envious of the people who go to japan and say their ramen everywhere also damn shiok and nice can have ramen for 3 meals also shiok one. I wanna try and see how shiok is the so-called shiok!
Oh They had the cutest wishing thingy by the side of the restaurant, leon and I wrote our wishes and it's up there now!
Hehehe L ♡ F
Was walking to the MRT and we saw Cold Stone Creamery and decided to get ourselves a treat! Their cold Stone Creamery is soooooo interesting and sooooo many pretty and delicious looking sundaes and they were having this strawberry season specials where they had a couple of strawberry sundaes with different combi, soooo pretty!
Hahahah I'm damn bo liao took damn long to choose cos all so pretty and oiishi looking and i wanted all then i decided i dont want a huge sundae so i opted for a small strawberry cheesecake + double pop of gummy bears! I have a thing with my ice cream.. and gummy bears. Nom nom nom.
Hahahaha WTF boyfriend took this photo then he said hmm you and Yina really look alike.. -.-
how many times are we gonna hear this from our boyfriends. Apparently Yina's boyfriend tease her and tell her that pretty often too. hahaha
HAHAHA THIS WAS WHAT WE SAW WHEN WE WALKED OUT OF COLD STONE CREAMERY. What theeeeeee.. hahahahs hilarious + super obscene~ Leon still purposely point out to me that we can see their "little birdies"! Thanks ah.. -.-
Hahahah the weather was REALLY cold btw. Like cold + super windy + rainy. So miserably cooooold. I was all wrapped up in layers and layers and i still had to wear leon's thick fleece hoodie and i was still shivering. Again super low tolerant for the cold boohoo.
We went to Dan Shui to buy 铁蛋for leon's family thou, they love it but i'm not a fan.
Some "faceless" students protesting just outside the MRT station, in Singapore if we dare to do anything funny like that, probably can go say hello to the jail cell already. :/

Just as we were gonna leave DanShui cos it was sooooo cold and raining too,
spotted this KITTY CAFE called 猫雨 - Kitty Rain.
Of course must go in!!!! :D
Hello hamsum. hahahah then Ms. Mao in ah ma knitted sweater strolled over casually to check us out. Look at Leon's expression!!! Priceless!!! Hahahaha cannot stop laughing.
Another super cute shot of leon giving his deadly *RAH FU KITTY DONT COME AND LICK MA CARAMEL MILK IF NOT YOU'RE A DEAD PIECE OF KITTYKAT!* stare.
Ahhhhh, nothing can be better than a hot toasty drink on a cold cold day.
Hahahaha Leon damn mean, he keep shaking the plastic baggie to make alot of noise to attract the kitties! So damn cute keep stuffing their head in their to kaypoh and check out our loots lol.
Oh and it was really weird cos a taiwan reporter interviewed us when we were at Kitty Rain Cafe and asked us like how we think about animal themed cafes like Kitty Rain and if we have something like this in SG etc.. hahaha
oh and to end this off we were at the MRT and i was telling leon this this sign reminds me of...
Hahahah erm if you didn't get it i was trying to .. ahem act like mario.. hahaahah
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